My services

In my nutritional consultation in Mallorca, I accompany you on the path to better digestive and hormonal health. Find out how I can help you in your wellbeing!

What I offer you

I will provide you with guidance and support to improve your overall health, from nutritional advice to strategies for a healthier lifestyle, I am here to help you on your path to wellness.

Personalised Nutritional Consultations

Tailored sessions, health focus, identification of causes, comprehensive plans.

Lifestyle and Nutrition Counselling

Healthy orientation, sustainable changes, improving relationships, reducing stress.

Nutrition Education and Workshops

Educational talks, practical workshops, personalised material for clients.

Monitoring and Ongoing Support

Regular check-ups, emotional support, access to additional resources.

Specialised Programmes

Addressing specific needs, tailored to medical conditions.

Consulting for Companies and Groups

Corporate services, group talks, programmes to improve occupational health".

Online course to transform your diet

Learn strategies to create healthy and varied habits that strengthen their health and join us on this journey to a nutritious and fun childhood diet!

Child nutrition

Guidance to ensure a balanced and healthy diet from infancy.

Poor eating habits

Identifying and changing unhealthy patterns to improve your well-being.

Lifestyle pregnant women

Nutritional counselling to promote healthy gestation and optimal foetal development.

Protein advice

Information on healthy protein sources and how to include them in your daily diet.

Dietetic service

Personalised plans and professional monitoring to achieve your health goals.

Digestive problems

Assessment and strategies to alleviate discomfort and improve digestive health.

Frequently asked questions

  • You have children aged 2-8 years who refuse foods they used to eat
  • Your children are afraid of or refuse to try new foods.
  • Meal planning is stressful or you end up making multiple preparations.
  • Lunchtime has become a conflictual dynamic.
  • The psychology behind a picky relationship with food
  • How to get your children to eat better.
  • Practical and effective strategies to overcome food selectivity and turn your little ones into food adventurers.
  • Access to the pre-recorded course 
  • Personalised guide to practical strategies

Join this community to find resources and tips to help you balance your hormones and improve your digestive health!

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